
In the End, ‘Mr. Bad Example’ Is a Portrait of Courage

Warren Zevon’s acid wit, energetic performances and fearless songwriting have made him a musical hero to me for 25 years. His outlook, while looking death straight in the eye at close range, has made him a personal hero to me as well (“Facing Mortality With Mischief Rather Than Tears,” by Geoff Boucher, Sept. 13).

For a man who titled one of his albums “Mr. Bad Example,” he’s a shining example for us all.


Long Beach


The writer, the artist and the man will be greatly missed. His body of work is the most literate in all of pop music, and appreciation for it will most certainly--and deservedly--grow.


The most recent CD is called “My Ride’s Here,” and I guess it is. But I just want to issue a public thank you for the ride Zevon has given me. It has sometimes been a bit rocky and treacherous, but never dull.


Los Angeles


I can be so captivated by an elegant turn of phrase, and yet Zevon’s wry and succinct “But you know, imminent doom lowers the bar a bit” rolls back the clock, reducing my own vocabulary to adolescent babble. Rock on, Warren.


Hartford, Conn.
