Clifford the Big Red Dog: Princess Cleo
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Kids, this script is based on excerpts from the first episode of the new season of “Clifford the Big Red Dog,” which is produced by Scholastic Entertainment and airs Wednesdays on PBS Kids. Check your local listings for the time and channel or go to and click on “TV Schedule.”
The words in italics are stage directions that give you information about the scene and tell you what to do. Have fun reading the lines and acting out the parts!
The characters for Scene 5 are Mac, Clifford, Cleo, T-Bone and Emily Elizabeth. It is the next day. Mac, Clifford and T-Bone are playing in the leaves outside the library. Cleo trots in.
CLEO: (singsong) Oh, I’m a princess, I love being a princess. Let’s see--what will Princess Cleo tell her friends they’re going to play today?
Cleo sees her friends near a huge pile of leaves. She scowls.
CLEO: Hey, they’re already playing--without me!
CLIFFORD: Perfect! This pile is going to be great for jumping in! OK guys--look out. Here I cooome!
Clifford leaps. Brightly colored leaves fill the screen as he lands.
CLEO: I don’t believe it! They’re jumping in leaves--without me! (upset) What are you guys doing?
CLIFFORD: We’re jumping in leaves!
CLEO: (upset) I can see that! Why didn’t you invite me to jump with you?
CLIFFORD: Well--the leaves are on the grass, Princess Cleo. You’d get all grass-stained.
CLEO: I don’t mind getting grass-stained.
MAC: I never heard of a princess getting dirty.
CLEO: But I love getting dirty and grass-stained and all that stuff!
CLIFFORD: But that was before you were a princess.
CLEO: Just because I’m a princess doesn’t mean I’m any different than I was before.
T-BONE: Then why were you acting so different yesterday?
CLEO: I wasn’t acting that different. All I did was make you scratch my back and fetch the ball and.... Oops, I wasn’t being very nice, was I?
CLIFFORD: You were being a princess.
CLEO: Being a princess doesn’t mean you can be bossy and unfair. I’m really sorry.
Inside Clifford’s doghouse that evening. Clifford, T-Bone and Mac are cuddled around Emily as she reads a story.
Emily: (reading) And so the princess, to prove that she was a real princess, was ordered to sleep on a mountain of mattresses. Underneath was a single pea. All night, the princess tossed and turned.
CLEO: (whispers to Clifford) Clifford, I think it’s a lot more fun to read about being a princess than it is to really be a princess.
Clifford smiles and winks at her.
This script was provided by Scholastic Entertainment Inc. It will be on The Times’ Web site at A new, five-part story begins on Monday.
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