
It’s a Dirty Bird That Fouls Its Own Nest

Recently, while driving my daughter to Harding Street School, I had the pleasant experience of viewing a refrigerator that had been dumped behind El Cariso golf course. Among the greenery of the park this disgusting piece of trash lay wide open for all to see. How thoughtful of the people who pitched it off some truck in the middle of the night. Last week it was a mattress and box springs that ended up along the stretch of road near the airstrip on Gavina Avenue. I think it’s still there.

My sincere thanks to Joe Cuevas, head greenskeeper at El Cariso golf course, for promising to help get rid of the refrigerator. It’s not his responsibility, but being a decent human being, he will deal with it because some jerk wouldn’t. Our family moved here six months ago from Michigan, and the worst part of the culture shock is the fact that I regularly see people in the area around Sylmar behaving like pigs. In line at a fast-food restaurant recently, a man got his food, opened it and threw the wrappers out the window. I lived in Michigan all my life and never witnessed such blatant disregard for other people and the environment. Shame on all of you who think other people are supposed to clean up after you!

Joni Michel

