
Girl Fatally Shot Playing in House

From Associated Press

An 11-year-old girl playing at her family’s computer with her 6-year-old sister was struck and killed by a bullet that came through the window of their home.

The incident occurred shortly after 3 p.m. Friday in a neighborhood in south Minneapolis. The girl died a short time later at Hennepin County Medical Center.

Mayor R.T. Rybak went to the hospital to meet the girl’s family.

“This is a good, decent, hard-working family. It’s an unimaginable loss,” said Inspector Sharon Lubinski, head of the police precinct that includes the neighborhood.


The girl’s identity wasn’t released by authorities.

There were no immediate arrests. Police were unsure how many people were involved and whether the shooter was on foot or in a car. A caller to police dispatchers said at least six shots were fired, though neighbors gave conflicting accounts.

There was nothing to indicate the girl’s home was the intended target, police said.

“This is a terrible tragedy, and these are cowards who have done this,” Police Chief Robert Olson said. “Somebody needs to come forward and help us solve this case so we can identify who the killers of this child are.”

Neighbor Pat Longs said the family is “very well-respected in this neighborhood.”

“They’re part of us and this hurts all of us,” Longs said.

The girl is the fourth child since 1996 to be killed by a stray bullet in the Twin Cities.
