
Mother Nature Will Win in the End

In his Nov. 20 commentary, “No Question, the Climate Is Heating Up,” about President Bush’s hate for environmentalists, John Balzar correctly describes the dire situation: Bush has the power to stomp all over the environmentalists. However, he fails to mention that Mother Nature will get Bush, or really his grandkids, in the end, because the forces of nature are a million times stronger than any president of a superpower nation.

Bush will destroy the future of his grandchildren by ignoring the warning of scientists who understand the basic natural limits that humans cannot escape. Ecological catastrophe is Bush’s long-term policy, all because of his vindictive and greedy nature. It seems that the public will let him prevail and we all, through our grandchildren, will pay for his spite.

Arlene Williams

Sparks, Nev.


Balzar’s long list of the Bush administration’s “crimes against nature” is a ridiculous, one-sided recap of the environmental issue. It appears that he’s been swallowing all that the Greens have on their propaganda plate. An attempt to bring back some balance to the activism against business and personal property rights that found sympathy in the last administration does not equate with a desire to trash the environment.


In case nobody noticed, big and small businesses produce everything we use in our lives, from computers to cars to clothes. The Greens produce nothing and neither does the government. I’m sure a lot of workers are pleased that someone is remembering that fact when making environmental policy.

Joyce B. Goetz

Westlake Village
