UC Money Could Be Used on Something Else
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When did Toyota become so charitable that it would be willing to lease two new fuel-cell cars to the University of California for a meager $10,000 a month on a 30-month lease (“Toyota Leases Fuel-Cell Autos to 2 UC Campuses,” Nov 19)?
That is only $300,000 for the lease term for each car. What a wonderful gift.
Am I crazy?
Louis D. Mann
Los Angeles
I could not believe what I read. What idiot authorized $600,000 of University of California funds to test Toyota’s new fuel-cell autos?
Let Toyota do its own research with its own funds and not take money out of the educational system.
If the university has lots of extra money, better to use it for scholarships for needy students.
Clifford Rackohn
I’d sure like to see how those UC campuses justified such a ridiculous expenditure of tax dollars. About the only way that could possibly make sense is if UC plans on reverse-engineering the vehicles and then manufacturing competing models.
I want to know why my tax dollars have to support this insanity.
Charles Bernhardt