
Look! Up in the Sky! Polluters

Re “Falcons’ Talon Show Scatters Gulls,” Nov. 13:

I am truly amused that I have finally seen in print, “The thousands of gulls and other birds that leave their droppings ... create health, safety and water-quality hazards.” I have always thought that Huntington Beach’s ocean water quality problem rests with birds whose droppings are washed into the ocean.

In fact, might it also be said that it would be better to reduce wetland area (and the number of gulls, etc.) in order to reduce contaminants and to increase water quality? All one has to do is visit the Santa Ana River area near the ocean and the various wetlands north up the coast to Seal Beach to see firsthand that birds can be a significant part of the water contamination problem.

George W. Zeissner

Fountain Valley
