
A Lesson for State GOP: Right Wing Won’t Win

Wow, Bill Simon did better in the California governor’s race than anyone expected (Nov. 6). Despite being the worst Republican candidate in recent history, he came within five points of beating Gov. Gray Davis. If only the GOP had nominated someone more experienced, competent and moderate, it could’ve won the governor’s race easily.

Maybe the losers will learn a lesson and change their strategy in four years. But probably not. They seem to be content nominating right-wing ideologues who can’t win a general election.

Rob Schmidt

Culver City


I am a 75-year-old, lifelong Democrat who was looking for an alternative to Davis. As usual, the California Republican Party decided it would rather be “right” than victorious. One could maintain that I could have voted for a third party, but I am certain that’s a wasted vote. It’s really time for the Republicans to recognize where the electorate of this state is and give us candidates that reflect this.


Louis Packer



Never mind, Gray. You’ll never be president, but you might be mayor of Oakland someday.

Gilbert S. Bahn



On the national level, I guess the majority of voters were attracted to the burning Bush rather than the lukewarm coals. On the state level, I guess one could say that the results weren’t so simple for Simon. Time to drink California wine and walk on the beach.

Dan Meylor

