
Vote Measure B to Help Save Trauma Centers

One of the most important measures on the ballot, L.A. County Measure B, is getting very little attention. Yet it is one that may seriously affect our families, our neighbors and ourselves. The number of trauma centers in L.A.. County has shrunk from 22 to 13 since 1985. In the event of trauma injury or heart attack, minutes, even seconds, make the difference between life and death. Should more trauma centers be forced to close, every person in L.A. County will be at greater risk when suffering a critical injury.

Measure B will create a stable flow of revenue to preserve the county’s trauma and emergency medical network. Remember, even if you have insurance or resources to cover these emergency expenses, it will be of no value if paramedics can’t get you to an available trauma center or ER. Vote yes on Measure B.

Gershon Lewis

Pacific Palisades


At 3 cents per square foot, a 1,500-square-foot house would cost the taxpayer an extra $45 a year if Measure B passes. With the economy way down, who wants to pay additional taxes? Vote no on Measure B.


John Visser

