
Quench Fires of Hatred to Protect Diplomats

“Growing Peril to Diplomats” (editorial, Oct. 30) emphasizes the danger to U.S. diplomats abroad and suggests that while “America cannot develop its policies based on whether they please others,” it needs to do more to protect its diplomats. This useless bit of advice says that while we are sending our emissaries to walk through the fire, we should be outfitting them with better fire retardants instead of trying to put out the fire.

We absolutely do need to develop policies that please others. It is this arrogant American attitude of ignoring others’ interests that has shaped our foreign policy and invited so much hatred from the world. It has created a world of peril for American citizens traveling abroad, as was recently illustrated in Bali. Our children will be restricted to viewing pictures of exotic foreign lands instead of experiencing them if we continue on this most destructive path of throwing our ignorant, gluttonous weight on top of angrier, leaner nations. Anyone wish to visit Egypt?

Kathy Harty

