
Bush Administration’s Foreign Policy

“A Policy In From the Cold” (Opinion, May 26) is truly remarkable. If President Bush’s foreign policy is a return to the Cold War mentality, why was he in Russia embracing the leader of Russia? And what was wrong with a foreign policy in Bush’s first six months in office that reversed course from the Clinton years, since the Clinton years had no discernible foreign policy?

For all of his moral shortcomings as president, Clinton’s biggest failure was in foreign policy. The world was a much more dangerous place for the United States when Clinton left office than it was when he entered office. Bush is repairing that damage quickly with a very experienced team. William Arkin’s opinion piece is remarkable for his inability to perceive the big-picture differences between Bush and Clinton in foreign policy.

William Bundy

Manhattan Beach


Although Bush was successful in concluding a nuclear arms reduction with Russia, he was unsuccessful in persuading Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop supplying Iran with nuclear potential. It is no secret that Iran is actively supplying terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas with sophisticated weaponry. What is to prevent Iran from supplying these terrorist groups with nuclear weaponry?


Barry M. Josephson

