
Warnings of Terrorism or Faulty Leadership?

Re “Terror Warnings Offer Cautionary Tale,” May 23: What is behind the recent terrorism warnings by Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and FBI Director Robert Mueller? Following Sept. 11, any half-intelligent person had to assume that further terrorist attacks could be expected. Absent specifics regarding time, place and method, how are we supposed to react to the latest warnings? They can produce no beneficial response and, in fact, have merely served to heighten the general level of anxiety, especially in New York City.

It would appear that these warnings are a response to criticism of the Bush administration for having failed to coordinate the various pieces of information gathered by its agencies and warn the public about impending terrorist acts. Now, in addition to being warned about everything and anything, we are told that the terrorists will no doubt succeed, thereby taking President Bush and company off the hook. Whatever happened to the admonition that if we run scared, the terrorists win?

Michael Horstein

Los Angeles


The Bush administration’s talking heads--Cheney, Rumsfeld, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice and Mueller--have now warned Americans of impending terrorist attacks. They have told us who the perpetrators will be and what types of attacks we might expect. Bush may not have had enough coordinated information to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks, but the administration has loads more now.


Americans hope the Bush team is not just talking the talk but is taking responsibility and fixing the situation. The members of the Bush administration will have no one else to blame in the future but themselves.

Ron Lowe

Nevada City


The latest line out of the White House says the FBI memo made no difference with regard to its anti-terrorist response (“Terrorist Ties Cited in Memo,” May 23). Oh, really? After learning of the World Trade Center attacks, didn’t the passengers in the last remaining hijacked plane turn on their hijackers because they had real information that they were doomed unless they attempted to fight back?

Why wasn’t airport security notched up? Were the White House and the FAA worried about ticket sales? Upsetting powerful Arab nations? After the first plane hit the first tower, why did they fail to notice that other planes were being diverted off course? For some of us this is our greatest fear--an incompetent leader when we most need a competent one.


John G. Hill

Mission Hills


I see it is dangerous to arm pilots with pistols to prevent hijacking (May 22) but OK to have the Air Force shoot the planes down if they are hijacked. The cure is better than prevention?

Gerald Wilson

