
Green, Green, Green, Green: a Broken Record

By pure luck I tuned into the Dodger game Thursday and was blessed with the real-time version of Shawn Green’s incredible performance. Even more incredible, however, was that Ross Porter, the Sultan of Statistics, the Maven of Minutia, the Titan of Trivia, could not keep up with all the records being broken. You could literally hear the pages turning of the encyclopedia he carries. I hope he has recovered.

Michael Gilligan

Redondo Beach


I just heard that Shawn Green hit four home runs and had an all-time record 19 total bases. Did I miss that Gary What’s-his-name came back to the Dodgers for Green’s “protection” in the batting order? I didn’t think so, but I did see that Gary’s barely hitting his weight even with Chipper Jones’ “protection.”

Tom Moir

