
Davis Asks PUC to Renew ‘20/20’ Energy-Saving Plan

Gov. Gray Davis recommended Thursday that the Public Utilities Commission renew the “20/20” energy conservation program that allows customers of the state’s three largest utilities to trim 20% off their electricity bills.

To be eligible, customers of Southern California Edison and Pacific Gas & Electric would have to use 20% less power between July 1 and Oct. 31 than they did during the same period in 2000. San Diego Gas & Electric customers would have to use 15% less.

“California’s energy challenge is not over,” Davis said. “The energy market is not yet stabilized, the West’s growth is putting more strain on our regional power grid, and there’s always a chance it will be an unusually hot summer.”


The program, initiated last year, was credited with helping to keep last summer’s peak loads below critical levels.

This year’s program would differ in two ways. Last year, commercial and industrial customers were eligible; this year, only residential users are. And last year, the program ran from June 1 through Sept. 30; now it’s a month later.

The Public Utilities Commission is expected to act on Davis’ recommendation at its June 6 meeting.
