
Permit Parking Only Displaces the Problem

Re “Novelist Spurs Passion Over Parking,” May 8: I don’t care if Danielle Steel has 26 parking permits or 26,000! Why should I? I can’t park on her street, although she can certainly park on mine. The whole concept of “permit parking” seems un-American, unfriendly and unfair. Why should some people have more rights simply because of their address? These are public roads, for which we all pay taxes. Permit parking only pushes the parking problem to other neighborhoods--like mine.

I live in an unrestricted area surrounded by permit parking. As a result, there is rarely any place for me to park, except several blocks away. Some folks are now pushing for permits to alleviate this problem, but such a solution will simply create a problem for someone else. Eventually every street will have restricted parking and we’ll all be able to park in front of our own homes. Too bad there won’t be anywhere else we can park.

Steven Reich

Santa Monica
