
Welfare Must Involve Personal Responsibility

Re “Gaining Respect by Working Her Way Off Welfare,” Voices, March 9: I’d like to ask Jennifer Sandberg a couple of questions. First, what is the baby’s father doing about all of this? Second, if it’s stupid to pass laws to encourage people to marry, isn’t it equally stupid to have unprotected sex and expect the state to take care of you?

I’m thinking of two words sorely lacking in this little saga--personal responsibility.

Cheryl Cross



It’s nice to hear that Sandberg has gained respect by working part-time so she can continue to get welfare benefits. What she doesn’t realize is that other people have to work 40, 50 and 60 hours a week to support her. Governments have no money. They take it from those who are willing to work and give it to those who don’t.

Dave Behrmann

Trabuco Canyon
