
Playing Politics Behind Closed Doors

Is Zev Yaroslavsky the only county supervisor with an ounce of integrity (“Board Secretly Urged Killing Ballot Item,” March 8)? Who elected these people and who has oversight of them? Taking money away from home-care workers is the lowest of the low, and to think these supervisors didn’t even have the guts to fight fairly--they had to try to squelch the ballot measure secretly, not wanting the issue to go to the voters.

Who do they think they are and where do they think they live? The last time I looked I still lived in a democratic country. Thank you, Supervisor Yaroslavsky, for being the one heroic figure among the group who is not afraid to speak on behalf of the downtrodden.

David Straus

Los Angeles


Re “Union Urges Probe of Supervisors’ Secret Vote,” March 9: Supervisor Gloria Molina and company should resign en masse (Yaroslavsky, of course, can stay). What a betrayal of the public trust. Their lack of integrity is astounding. By resigning, they’ll save face, restore public confidence and keep the Enron bug from spreading.


Jerry Schaefer

Long Beach
