
EarthLink to Sell Net Access on AT&T; Cable

Bloomberg News and Reuters

EarthLink Inc. reached agreement with AT&T; Corp. to sell high-speed Internet access through the biggest U.S. cable company’s network, boosting EarthLink’s access to consumers.

Internet providers such as EarthLink are trying to forge agreements with cable operators to expand their high-speed Web offerings as growth slows with customers who connect through regular phone lines. High-speed access typically costs twice as much as slower dial-up service, and consumers often spend more time and money online when connected at faster speeds.

More than 875,000 new customers signed up for cable-modem service during the last three months of 2001, up from 6.4 million subscribers at the end of the third quarter.


EarthLink plans to offer high-speed access over AT&T; cable lines in Seattle and Boston this year, with more cities next year.

EarthLink rose 89 cents to $10.58 on Nasdaq. AT&T; climbed 7 cents to $16.14 on the NYSE.
