
He’s Not Running to the Aid of Soccer

Bob Verdi in the Chicago Tribune: “One disturbing aspect of the World Cup is the insistence of some very annoying soccer nuts on shaming the masses to fall in love with their sport.

“These windbags are everywhere, in America and overseas, in the public and the press....

“Pay no attention to people who call us stupid for dismissing the world’s most popular sport, and by all means that includes European ‘journalists’ who label the U.S. soccer program a joke.

“It’s amazing how America can be dissed in so many different languages--that is until other countries need protection or a few billion dollars in loans.”


Trivia time: Who holds the Laker career record for playoff assists?

Big deal: Rick Morrissey in the Chicago Tribune: “After watching 7-foot-5 Yao Ming in a workout, Denver Nugget General Manager Kiki Vandeweghe said, ‘It was a very impressive workout that is testament to how far Chinese basketball has come.’

“That’s like gushing over how far inner-city yodeling has come.”

Short shift: How do you get a save by throwing one pitch--for a ball? Here’s how Texas reliever Randy Flores did it:

He came on with two on and two out in the ninth inning, the Rangers leading Houston, 9-6. On his first pitch, catcher Ivan Rodriguez picked Richard Hidalgo off first base and Flores had the first save of his career.


Classy group: Tim Keown in ESPN The Magazine: “Did you catch how the international players--five of the first 16 picks--handled themselves on draft night. They’re personable, they’re confident and they speak English better than many schoolteachers.

“NBA teams are constantly telling their fans character is an issue, and maybe the increasing reliance on overseas talent is one of the results.”

Rout ‘em anyway: Ron Rapoport in the Chicago Sun-Times: “Now that the bowl championship series honchos have eliminated point differential from their ranking calculus, we’ll go back to the good old days when football powerhouses rolled up the score on an opponent for the sheer sport of it.”


Unnecessary: Dwight Perry of the Seattle Times asks, “Isn’t banning a team [California] that finished 1-10 last year from playing in a bowl game akin to telling Anna Kournikova she’s ineligible to play in the Wimbledon final?”

Advance planning: Steve Hummer in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: “Martha Stewart’s ‘College Football Insider’ says dump all your Miami stock and go with Florida State.”

Looking back: On this day in 1990, the Dodgers’ Fernando Valenzuela and Oakland’s Dave Stewart threw no-hitters on the same day, a baseball first.

Trivia answer: Magic Johnson, 2,346. It’s also the NBA record.

And finally: Berkeley astrologer Andrea Mallis says she ran the charts on Barry Bonds and Jeff Kent and--no surprise--”They have the compatibility from hell. It’s a strange brew of power struggles, one upmanship, emotional explosiveness, making for volatile and unstable relationships, not to mention goading each other to rash, ill-considered, impulsive acts.”

Otherwise, they’re real chummy.
