
‘Pancho’ bin Laden

Re “Where’s Osama?” letter, June 22: Osama bin Laden is the latest version of Pancho Villa, a Mexican warlord who invaded the U.S. in 1916. He and his band laid waste to the town of Columbus, N.M. President Woodrow Wilson sent most of the Army into the mountains of Mexico to “hunt ‘em down and smoke ‘em out.” Alas, the American armed forces never found Villa or his band. What they did find was the aroused population, who fought against the Yankee invaders of their country.

After three months the Army returned to the U.S. Why not send the politicians with all their slogans and bombast to hunt for old Osama? Not safe? Hey, who has ever seen a dead politician on a battlefield--or even a live one?

Bob Hughes USMC

Santa Ana
