
A ‘Loopy Notion’?

In his review of “The Smith Family,” Howard Rosenberg says that the documentary “refutes [Mormon] church doctrine about homosexuality and the loopy notion of it being a changeable ‘lifestyle’ ” (“ ‘POV’ Has Vision to Focus on an Ordinary Family’s Strength,” June 24).

Let me see now. The documentary is about a man who cheats on his wife, sentences her to death by infecting her with HIV, becomes “a living cadaver” after developing AIDS and destroys his family before dying. This refutes church doctrine about homosexuality? It is “loopy” to urge such a person to change?

Steve Smith clearly had some choices to make that were not inherent or unchangeable. He had a temporarily committed, apparently loving, appropriately sexual relationship with his wife that produced two sons. What would have been the worst for him had he chosen to continue that relationship? Sexual frustration, maybe, which has never killed anyone. Might he have continued to be attracted to men? It seems likely. Did he have to act on that attraction? No.


If human beings cannot control sexual attraction, we have no right to find fault with child abusers.


Temple City
