
Kids Today Really Have Become a Bit Jumpy

A new sport called Slamball makes its debut Aug. 3 on TNN. “It’s pretty wild,” said former Philadelphia 76er President Pat Croce, a minority owner in the project, in an interview with the Philadelphia Daily News.

“It’s the first extreme team sport. It’s four-on-four basketball on a spring-loaded court. Inside the three-point arc are trampolines.”

“We got the players from inner-city L.A. and Chicago. They wear skateboard gear and helmets, and there are no fouls. These guys are flying in the air above the rim.”


As Steve Martin would say, they’re just a bunch of wild and crazy guys.

Trivia time: Which major league team holds the record for most victories in a season?

Goodbye, Jeff: Skip Bayless of the San Jose Mercury News says it’s time for the Giants to trade Jeff Kent, who had a recent dugout skirmish with Barry Bonds.

“Everything about Bonds rubs Kent the wrong way--posing after launching home runs, his failure to run out some pop flies and groundouts, the arm guard he’s allowed to wear while batting and above-the-team schedule he’s allowed to keep.

“But some of Kent’s contempt is fueled by jealousy. He can’t seem to accept the fact that he isn’t half the hitter Bonds is--that Bonds’ menacing presence made possible Kent’s MVP award [in 2000].”


Confident: John McClain of the Houston Chronicle writes that Oregon quarterback Joey Harrington, the Detroit Lions’ No. 1 pick, was impressive on and off the field in his first mini-camp.

“I’ve been in a situation where every pass, every [step of] footwork, everything you do is analyzed,” Harrington said.

“I’m ready for it. Plus that kind of makes it fun, puts more pressure on it.

“If you’ve got the eyes of an entire city watching your every move, that’s what it’s all about.”


Home away from home: Philadelphia Eagle tight end Chad Lewis recently completed his NFL-sponsored 10-day trip to Asia. Lewis, who is fluent in Chinese, was a popular interview with the media in China.

“When they found out I’d do interviews in Chinese, the interview requests tripled,” Lewis said.

Simple guy: After winning a watch as National League player of the week, Pirate outfielder Craig Wilson told the Beaver County (Pa.) Times, “It’s a nice honor and it will be nice to get a watch. But I never wear a watch. I just look out the window and see if it’s daytime or nighttime.”

Obviously, life isn’t complicated for Craig.

Looking back: On this day in 1939, the New York Yankees launched a doubleheader record 13 home runs out of Shibe Park in a 23-2 and 10-0 sweep of the Philadelphia Athletics.

Trivia answer: The 1906 Chicago Cubs and 2001 Seattle Mariners, 116.

And finally: Will Joe DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak ever be surpassed?

Pete Rose, who holds the modern National League record of 44 games, told the Miami Herald:

“The record is not the hardest record in the world to break. You need luck, but the pitching is so watered down today and you’ve got guys who can run, so I don’t see why not.”

OK, Pete, then why has the record lasted for 61 years?
