
Shots Kill One, Wound Two During Fight at Apartments

An Irvine man was shot to death and two others were wounded early Sunday when a fight broke out at an Anaheim apartment complex after a party, authorities said.

Chris Lawrence, 21, died after being taken to UCI Medical Center. Anaheim Police said he was shot about 12:30 a.m. in a parking lot behind 1919 E. Romneya Drive.

“Police are attempting to locate witnesses, and they are trying to piece together what happened,” said Sgt. Rick Martinez.


Another 21-year-old Irvine man, who suffered a gunshot wound to an arm, was taken to Western Medical Center-Anaheim. The third victim, a 19-year-old male, also from Irvine, was shot in the left hand. He was treated at UCI Medical Center.

The fight, in the parking lot, was a large one, police said, but participants had disappeared by the time officers arrived. Authorities said friends of the victims took them to the hospitals.
