
The Dirt Below the Bottom Line

Re “Money Talks, Integrity Walks,” by Arianna Huffington, Commentary, June 11: The bottom line has never been campaign reform but how long it might take to bury the Enron scandal and get back to business as usual.

From now on, the sleaze-greeds will find a safer way to get around all that questionable bookkeeping that has interfered with their affluent lifestyles and fostered faux investigations.

Pat Ostrye



I agree with Huffington that the Enron issue is indeed dead, but not for the reasons she suggests. Let’s not forget that it was the scandal-mongering Democrats--so bereft of ideas and ideals, praying for an issue with which to hammer the Republicans--who initiated the witch hunt. Unfortunately for them, when they kicked over Enron’s stinking carcass, the maggots they found underneath looked strangely like Bill Clinton.


This wasn’t the desired end to their means. Why would Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) want to continue to put nails in his own coffin? Thus, the issue is dead.

Gary Cameron



Re Huffington’s column and numerous other articles in any day’s paper: The “axis of evil” that worries me most is the one that runs from Wall Street to Capitol Hill and the White House. World hunger, global warming and even the 9/11 attacks are merely symptoms.

Doug Adrianson

