
An Ersatz ‘Phantom’ Edit

Mike J. Nichols, in his boastful statement that he has “the storytelling sense that George Lucas once had and lost,” proves that he is just another member in that small but vocal group of disgruntled, arrogant and cynical “fans” who believe they know “Star Wars” better than the films’ creator (“A Phantom Menace?,” by Richard Fausset, June 1).

Nichols’ “Phantom Edit” is nothing more than a cut-and-paste job to suit his own cinematic tastes. Like so many others of his ilk, he has forgotten that the “Star Wars” films are made for the young and the young-at-heart.

Nichols did not create an entire universe, nor did he bring that universe to life in a series of remarkable, groundbreaking films.


Instead of wasting his time on what he thinks “Phantom Menace” should have been, why not spend that time creating his own story and let Lucas complete the “Star Wars” saga in peace?


Aliso Viejo
