
It Really Was a ‘Smash’

I’m still reeling from Tony Perry’s review of “Smash” at the Old Globe Theatre in San Diego (“Despite Fine Cast, ‘Smash’ Isn’t a Success,” June 3). Where did he learn his reviewing skills, in “Theater Reviewing for Dummies”? If I were he, I would return the book and get my money back.

“Smash” is a rousing comedy, one that engages the audience visually and verbally. Did Perry mention the period costumes, the versatile sets, the athleticism of the actors? Did he point out the audience involvement because of the pacing of the show? Did he mention Karen Carpenter’s unique directing skills? Lighting? Sound?

To our neighbors in L.A.: Come down to the beautiful Globe production of “Smash.” It will take your mind off your troubles and make you laugh.



San Diego
