
Tee’s Got No Business Playing Peekaboo

Dear Fashion Police: I work in an office where the dress code is business casual. Most of the shirts I wear to work are good-quality dress shirts with regular or button-down collars.

I have always worn a white T-shirt under my dress shirts with the first button undone. I think it gives me a clean-cut look. My wife thinks it looks like my underwear is showing, and that this is not appropriate for the office. Please give me your opinion.


Dear He: Sorry, but we have to side with the missus on this one. Dress shirts shouldn’t be worn with a T-shirt showing at the neck. That’s why they’re called dress shirts. They’re meant to be worn with a tie and a suit or jacket.


Depending on how casual your office is, you might be able to get away with wearing a less dressy shirt (please avoid short-sleeve tailored shirts), which can be worn with the first button undone and a bit of T-shirt showing. If you’re unsure if this will meet your company’s dress code, ask your boss or whoever acts as Keeper of the Code.

Note to those considering this look: Only a plain, white crew-neck shirt will do. No V-necks, no sleeveless undershirts. And no T-shirts that say “I Survived Spring Break!”--even if you’re in a pinch. Under certain lights, your message may be broadcast to the world.

Dear Fashion Police: Now that it’s getting warmer, I’ve begun to pull out my sleeveless tops, and I need bra help! I spend a lot of time golfing and hiking, and I need bras with straps that don’t peek out. I’m not particularly well-endowed, so fit is sometimes an issue.


Most of the racerback bras that I’ve found either aren’t padded and don’t fit well, or are what I call “helmet” bras--made of molded materials that are hot and unnatural-looking. Where can I find a slightly padded bra to wear with sleeveless tops?


Dear Under: You’ve been hibernating in a cave too long if you don’t know that showing your bra straps has been a huge trend with the young set for some time now--so much so that some bras now feature straps with rhinestones and sequins, just so there’s no chance of missing them.

Someone, however, discovered there are women who don’t fit this demographic and would rather keep their bra straps hidden while wearing tank tops or dresses with spaghetti straps. That genius (and we do not use this term lightly) invented bras with invisible straps. Well, not truly invisible, like some kind of magic bra with super powers, but clear plastic straps that don’t draw attention to themselves. Though strapless bras will also work, many women--especially those with larger busts--find them uncomfortable.


We found some bras featuring attached clear straps, as well as just clear straps that can be added to bras with removable straps. On the Web site Nothing Feels Better, there’s an invisible-strap bra with a plunge front and removable push-up pads ($27; www.nothingfeels, or call [818] 892-6000).

Spiegel also carries a lightly lined plunging bra with invisible straps ($29;, or call [800] 527-1577).

Invisible Bra Straps will work with any bra with removable straps and come with white, nude and black hooks; they’re online at Lingerie Solutions ($6; www.lingerie, or call [888] 530-2727).

Victoria’s Secret’s Bare Attitude straps also work with bras with removable straps ($12; www.victoria, or call [800] 970-1109).

We found this site a bit difficult to navigate, so you’ll find the straps under “special occasion” bras, and the bras with which they work under “strapless & convertible” (the convertibles are the ones to look for). If you have any trouble, call and ask for assistance.

FROM THE FASHION POLICE BLOTTER: Moms-to-be, take note: Lands’ End now offers casual maternity wear. The recently launched line isn’t extensive, and you won’t find exceptionally trendy pieces, but if you’re looking for cool basics for summer, this is the place.


The collection includes T-shirts, a cardigan and oversized tailored shirts, as well as several styles of pants (many made out of stretch fabrics). Prices range from about $20 to $50.

The company also offers diaper bags styled to look like gym bags for parents with an aversion to those cutesy totes. See it all online at, or call (800) 963-4816.


Write to Fashion Police, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012, fax to (213) 237-4888, or send e-mail to [email protected].
