
Playa Vista Project Raises Toxics Concerns

Re “Playa Vista School Plan Is Up in the Air,” May 30: The problems at the Playa Vista site are not just methane or toxics from the former Howard Hughes plant site. There are also problems with hydrogen sulfide, a toxic oilfield gas that can cause permanent brain damage. High amounts of H2S at the Playa Vista site were documented in the Playa Vista archeology reports, as well as in L.A. city records that showed workers getting sick from H2S on the site.

Because building on this wetland requires thousands of pilings--which act as conduits to bring the underground gases up to the surface--it increases the risk of students and residents being exposed to these toxins. In our opinion, it would be a much safer, healthier alternative to leave this land open space and restore it as a wetland/wildlife refuge.

Kathy Knight

Chair, Sierra Club Airport

Marina Group, Santa Monica
