
Keeping God Out of Government

I would like to praise Robert Scheer for having the guts to speak out against the arrogant and narrow-minded stand of the overwhelming majority of Americans (“God’s Got Nothing to Do With the Pledge of Allegiance Furor,” Commentary, July 2).

The Pledge of Allegiance should be equally available for all Americans, not just exclusively for the use of individuals who accept a monotheistic belief. Let us never forget that the men who attacked our nation on Sept. 11 believed in “God” but had no respect for the beliefs of others. What makes this country great are the words “united we stand” because, despite our differences, we love and will fight for this great nation.

Madeleine Dunn

New York City


Scheer is up to his usual self-contradictory tricks. While entertaining us with his commentary, he states in the same paragraph that belief in God is not the issue, then chastises the government’s endorsement of a monotheistic God. Who does is he think he’s kidding? His politically correct bias is about as subtle as a runaway freight train!


Jim Roberts

La Mirada


At this very moment in history, when the large religions of the world are debauching themselves in plain view, the leadership of this nation can’t step forward and stand for separation of church and state. The World Trade Center was rammed for that very reason--the terrorists want a theocratic state. Wherever they gain power they put Islamic law in place. You wouldn’t like it.

Scheer and others have stepped forward and pointed out the massive disconnect between our policy needs and the congressional agenda. The Republican leadership marches behind the banner of deregulation, and we need nothing of the sort. The Congress has on its plate numerous policy points that are clearly anti-future and pro-stagnation, and it does it with a busted budget. Not to worry, there will be a correction, and the rich can ride it out.

David L. Eastman

Costa Mesa
