
Bullfighting’s Glorious Demise

Chris Kraul refers to bullfighting as a glorious tradition in Mexico and seems concerned about its possible demise (“Last Days of the Bullring?” Jan. 13). Perhaps we should lament the loss of other glorious traditions that involved abuse: enslavement of the native Indian population in Mexico and bearbaiting and cockfighting in the U.S. We need to hasten the demise of abusive and cruel practices that stem from a time when societies behaved in ways we find totally unacceptable today. Cruelty for pleasure cannot be a glorious tradition. It can only be a reminder of how close we are to the barbarism of our recent history.

Rick Cardin

Costa Mesa


One wonders why, in an open and tolerant society such as that in the U.S., bullfighting is illegal. Could it be that the unredeemed cruelty to bulls and horses is distasteful? I believe it is. The lethal combination of the arrogance of moral ignorance, testosterone and sadism creates a cultural climate where such unmitigated, perverse cruelty is not only tolerated but celebrated. Mexico is entering the 21st century, and whatever the reasons for the decline in interest in this barbarism, I truly rejoice. Bravo, Mexico!

Elaine F. Livesey-Fassel

Los Angeles
