
Gerrymandering for Ethnic Majorities

Once again, as I view the proposed new City Council districts, I see gerrymandering is alive and well in the city of Los Angeles (“Proposal Calls for Giving a 5th Council District to Valley,” Feb. 3). So many “fingers” and misshapen districts, simply to achieve the desired number of citizens of the right race, nationality or political party. In my neighborhood we live in the 10th District, our nearest school is in the 5th District and our local police station is in the 11th District. Stop the insanity!

The things my neighbors and I care about when we contact our councilperson’s office are the quality and funding of local schools, safe streets and availability of police, local parks and child care, graffiti removal, street cleaning, streets without potholes or gridlock, public transportation, good air quality, safe and affordable housing, sane and enforced zoning laws, lack of billboards or cellular towers within sight of our homes, adequate neighborhood parking, more tree plantings, efficient trash and bulk item removal and local business and job development. All of this is location, location, location. So why do I feel the color of my skin is all anyone cares about in setting the districts? My multiethnic neighbors and I would like to know.

Steven J. Coker

Los Angeles
