
TV Attack Ads Air Form Over Substance

Re “Davis TV Ads Attack Riordan,” Jan. 29: The first time I saw Gov. Gray Davis’ hit piece on Richard Riordan I thought how pathetic and desperate the governor must feel about his reelection prospects. While abortion is an issue that certainly evokes strong feelings from just about all voters wherever they stand on the subject, it is perhaps the biggest non-issue facing the voters of California today.

The abortion issue in California was firmly decided when Ronald Reagan was governor. Any voter who buys into this fear-mongering tactic is paranoid, proving that it isn’t what Davis stands for but what the voters will fall for that ultimately rules the day.

William R. Cranham

Los Angeles


I can’t stand it any longer--I have to speak out! Richard Riordan was worthless as mayor of Los Angeles. In my area, the harbor area, we got nothing--reduced LAPD support, little graffiti cleanup, increased noise, truck traffic and pollution in the toxic-wasteland harbor. Thanks for a whole lot of nothing while he was mayor.


I would vote for Davis a hundred times over before I would vote for Riordan--and Dick, don’t even try to stick Davis with the energy deregulation thing. It won’t work.

Steven N. Copley

Harbor City
