
Chief Bratton’s Strong Talk About Gangs

Re “Black Leaders Caution Chief,” Dec. 14: The sensitivity from leaders and other people who have criticized L.A. Police Chief William Bratton for describing the gang problem with words that really describe the gang problem is regrettable. As a father, I am not concerned about the language as long as the problem is resolved. It seems that these leaders and other detractors care more about what Bratton says than the high amount of deaths and the terror that these gangs represent. What they have to keep in mind is that a cancer cannot be cured with aspirin. Nor is Bratton a baby-sitter. On the other hand, if they do not want to confront the problem or they have a problem with Bratton’s words, I say, as he said last month, “control your kids.” The city belongs to everyone, not to bad people only.

Ramiro Carrion

Long Beach
