
Does Neuroscience Really Help People?

Re “Neuroscientists Mine the Depths of Emotions,” Nov. 8:

Your article may have points of truth in it, but what you fail to disclose is how these studies are supposed to help people. People are spiritual beings, not bodies or brains. Not all will have the same response to a situation.

All of the hocus-pocus in this article is of no value to those who want to change their lives for the better.

This article leans toward brain surgeries and drugs, which will only result in leaving an individual less capable.


What if you had a child with bad manners? Do you tell him to alter the way his primal mood circuits operate? Or would you just give him a prefrontal lobotomy and turn him into a vegetable? The fields of psychiatry and neurology have yet to offer a workable solution to the problems mentioned in the article.

Sara McCrink

Costa Mesa
