Vaccine/Autism Issue Was Presented Fairly
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Re “Study Finds No Link Between MMR Vaccine and Autism,” Nov. 7:
Thank you for a fair and balanced presentation regarding the Danish study in the Journal of the American Medical Assn. about the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine causing autism.
At last, a news article presents those who believe vaccine injury is real, especially Dr. Bernard Rimland, as an answer to the “party line” hacks like Dr. Jay M. Lieberman who shudder that children may not receive all 35 shots to protect them from such calamities as rubella or hepatitis B.
My son developed autism after the MMR shot 10 years ago. Today he is cured and attends public school in the eighth grade. The diagnosis of autism is on a medical doctor’s chart, and “autism-cured” is also in writing on a medical doctor’s chart. After a TV talk show several years ago on which my wife and Dr. Lieberman spoke about the MMR vaccine-autism issue, I overheard Lieberman snidely remark, “We don’t really know if [my son] had autism.” Well, doctor, it has been a few years, but just so you know, he did once and doesn’t now. He was cured by my wife through the knowledge of the cause of the autism -- effects of the MMR shot, specifically the rubella portion and not necessarily the thimerisol preservative (mercury).
David Goldenberg
Laguna Niguel