
O.C. Must Implement Mental Health Law

Dana Parsons’ column “Jurors Lead the Way on the Issue of the Mentally Ill” is a perfect example of how the public’s thinking regarding mental illness surpasses our antiquated policies in treating them. As juror Lee Jarvis said, “Unfortunately in our system, we don’t do anything for the mentally ill.”

Orange County may eventually stem some of its needless tragedy enumerated in Parsons’ column when and if it implements Laura’s Law, AB 1421.

This legislation, signed by Gov. Davis in September, establishes a court-ordered, intensive community treatment program for patients who currently go through repeated jailing and hospitalizations without staying in treatment after they are released to the community.


Steven Allen Abrams would have been a perfect fit for treatment envisioned in AB1421 before he killed two children in a preschool playground.

Establishing AB 1421 will take political will by the Department of Mental Health and the Board of Supervisors. The board will have to pass a resolution implementing the law, and the department will have to set in place -- as a priority -- a service infrastructure for those who are often difficult to serve.

John DeLoof

