
China’s Production May Improve as Japan’s Did

Re “China’s Next Challenge: Mastering the Microchip,” Oct. 22:

Letter writer Don Sheehan is doubtful that China will produce anything more than “old” technology, naively believing that we will always make better and cheaper models.

I recall my experience in the ‘60s as I repaired cars as a way to make money to make my way through college. My own vehicle was a 1951 Chevrolet 6-cylinder pickup. I remember seeing one of the first Toyota trucks and lifting the hood. What I saw was a fairly precise reproduction of the engine in my Chevy truck (which was old at the time) and thought much the same as Sheehan, that Japan was going to merely copy our technology.

Anyone who is aware of what has happened since then will surely see that now Toyota and other foreign car makers are on the cutting edge with vehicles that include a hybrid, while American car makers are still making huge SUVs that continue this heroin-like addiction we have to consuming oil.


I watch carefully what I buy and don’t buy anything made in China if I can avoid it, not because I don’t think it is good technology and getting better, but because I know that they have no respect for the environment and are treating their workers like slaves. Of course, I am also worried about the people in my own country, where CEOs and politicians are selling out their own country to make money. Don’t these people have children and grandchildren? If I buy things made in another country, I investigate the source as much as I am able.

Bill Gilbert

Costa Mesa
