
Watch the market

Nothing can change the simple fact that the joy which should accompany the opening of Disney Hall has been seriously dampened by the way that L.A. Philharmonic management has handled this price issue. To go in one huge step from being among the more affordable (in general manager Deborah Borda’s contention) to one of the most expensive orchestras was unwise. Surely, in retrospect, management sees how this should have been done, if at all, over a few seasons.

And then to have subscribers cough up for this huge increase at holiday time (we must send in our requests by Jan. 15) and in the middle of a huge economic downturn adds grievous injury to open insult.

The displeasure all this has engendered among the most loyal of L.A. subscribers is wide and deep. Borda and her team had better start thinking soon and well about how to address it.


Chris Mullins

Redondo Beach
