
U.S. Like Poor Nations Spiritually, Poll Finds

From Times Wire Reports

Religion is much more important to Americans than to people in other wealthy countries, according to an international poll released Thursday that found that the United States is more spiritually akin to many developing nations.

In the United States, 59% of poll respondents said religion is “very important” in their lives.

That was well above the numbers for other industrialized nations, including Britain (33%), Canada (30%), Italy (27%), South Korea (25%), Germany (21%), Japan (12%) and France (11%).


The poll was sponsored by the Washington-based Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, which previously issued data comparing political attitudes of 44 nations.

Andrew Kohut, the center director, said previous international polling by the Gallup organization had found similar religious patterns.

Kohut said he would leave it to historians and sociologists to explain why America is distinct, but he stressed the political impact of the findings.


“It’s who we are, who we’ve always been,” he said, and this “represents an important divide between the United States and our traditional allies” on matters like abortion and use of new biological technologies.

All 10 African nations that were polled had higher levels of religiousity than did the United States. Also higher were six nations in Latin America and six in Asia (including Turkey, which lies partly in Europe).

Muslim nations ranked high in religiosity. Among traditionally Christian countries, the United States was the only Western nation with numbers similar to those in the Philippines and most of Latin America.


The project polled 38,000 people in 46 languages between July and October. The margin of error varied by country from 2.1 percentage points to 4.4 percentage points. In some developing nations, only urban areas were covered.
