
Words Are Inadequate for These Injuries

Soccer players, who run all game, often claim to be the fittest athletes in sports.

Maybe not, according to a review of the game’s injuries by Bloomberg News.

French goalkeeper Lionel Letizi injured himself playing Scrabble. He pulled muscles in his back when he picked up a letter that had fallen to the floor. Club officials declined to say which letter.

Spain’s Santiago Canizares missed the World Cup after dropping a bottle of aftershave on his foot, damaging a tendon. And England’s goalkeeper, David Seaman, needed surgery after hurting himself stretching for the remote control while watching an episode of a U.K. soap, “Coronation Street.”

Rio Fernandez, the game’s most expensive defender, missed a game last year after straining a foot tendon while watching television.


Back to the gym, boys.


Trivia time: When is the last time American drivers finished first and second in a Formula One Grand Prix?


Barry for Dusty: The best candidate to replace Dusty Baker as the Giants’ manager would have been Barry Bonds, says Tom FitzGerald of the San Francisco Chronicle.

“As Jeff Kent said, it’s his team anyway,” he writes. “As player-manager, Bonds might not enjoy chatting with the media after every game, but he should consider the job’s rewards. Another $3-4 million a year in walking-around money. More privacy in the manager’s office. A long-term contract for Nikolai, the batboy.”



Two of a kind: Houston Rocket point guard Steve Francis, on teammate Yao Ming: “He’s just like me, except he’s 7 foot 6 and Chinese.”


Remembering Neil: Stories about sportswriter and editor Neil Singelais abound at the Boston Globe. The veteran of 43 years died Monday, but the stories go on.

Dan Shaughnessy recalls the morning he saw Singelais in the office, wearing a galosh on one of his shoes.


“Neil, you forgot to take off one of your rubbers,” Shaughnessy said.

“No,” replied Singelais. “I got dressed in a hurry this morning and wore one black shoe and one brown shoe. I’m leaving the rubber on the brown shoe so that no one will notice.”


The true test: Is golf a sport? Not according to comedian Orlando Jones. “Anything my dad can play is not a sport,” he told Fox Sports Net.


Trivia answer: Oct. 24, 1965, in Mexico City when Richie Ginther won in a Honda, followed by Dan Gurney in a Brabham-Climax.


And finally: As Ricky Williams approaches 2,000 yards rushing this season, the Miami Dolphin running back insists that it is not one of his goals.

“It’s the weirdest thing in the world, but I really don’t care,” he told the Miami Herald. “First of all, I don’t think it’s possible this year. Second, I’ve found when I go out and try to do things for just myself, I am not successful and I don’t feel as good even when I am.

“Did we win or lose? That’s what matters. I wish I wasn’t like that sometimes -- I’d have a lot more yards and money -- but that’s how I’m built.”


With two games left, he has gained 1,601 yards.
