
She Gives New Meaning to ‘Criminal Lawyer’

I was totally disgusted as I read “Embezzler Repays Victims, Avoids Jail” (Dec. 5), about the criminal acts of disbarred attorney Cristeta Paguirigan -- embezzlement, stealing from elderly clients, forgery, bouncing checks and her other unethical behavior. I am sickened and outraged that this criminal is working as a “litigation specialist” for the city of South Gate at $200 an hour, racking up $350,000 in income over the last 12 months, which is far more than most hard-working, ethical, licensed attorneys earn. Why is this not seen as a disbarred attorney practicing law without a license? And why does the city of South Gate continue to employ her at exorbitant rates while her victims go uncompensated? Is it any wonder that our profession is reviled? I hope someone from the California State Bar reads The Times.

Lori Lawson

Retired Attorney

San Juan Capistrano
