
Moby’s lowercase musings

What runs through the mind of a megastar like Moby on the road? Some minutiae from his free-form, no-capital-letters-please diary at

11/20/02 London

... did i ever mention that i met miles davis? right before he died.

he was friends with a japanese friend of mine, and he came to a soundcheck that i did at the limelight in nyc in 1991 (i think). it was one of the strangest moments of my professional life. one minute i’m setting up my keyboards to perform at a rave, and the next minute there’s miles davis.

standing there quietly....

11/22/2002 -- Manchester

uh, dumb question, but is today thanksgiving? ...

11/25/2002 -- Sheffield, UK

... i think that electronic musicians should start singing on their own records. that is my little thought for the day.


11/29/2002 -- Manchester

... and a pitcher of orange juice has just arrived, so i’m going to go and drink juice and maybe even bathe. fascinating, huh.
