
Questioning of Saudis’ Motives Is Out of Line

Re “Saudis’ Troubling ‘Charity,’ ” editorial, Nov. 26: Your call for scrutinizing the charitable giving of the Saudi royal family is reprehensible. You are calling into question the motives and standards of the leader of a country that has been a friend and ally for some 60 years. You say that “financial support from the royal family for relatives of Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel also angers the United States.” This is the ultimate in hypocrisy on the part of the U.S., the supporter of the world’s largest terrorist organization, Zionist Israel. Were it not for the terror regime Israel operates in the West Bank and Gaza there would be no Palestinian suicide bombers giving their lives to liberate their country and no need for charity to support the families they leave behind.

You end with “Saudi Arabia must ... stop bankrolling acts of terror.” This is another outrageous statement. Where has it ever been shown that Saudi Arabia has bankrolled any terror against the U.S.?

Richard Herman

Costa Mesa
