
Bush Team May Find It Is Alone Against Iraq

Re “Hussein Is Called ‘Mortal Threat,’ ” Aug. 27: Vice President Dick Cheney’s speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars was nothing short of scary. To hear him describe Iraq and its leader, you would think it was Churchill describing Hitler. Well, Iraq is no Germany and I, for one, cannot understand why very few are outraged by our saber rattling at Saddam Hussein. It now seems painfully clear that we are going to war.

And over what? No one has explained why this man is now so dangerous. Until they show proof that Hussein aided the 9/11 terrorists or is again able to attack his neighbors, then the moral authority to destroy Iraq is absent.

Let me ask President Bush: Is your political viability so important that you would cast away the lives of thousands of young Americans, tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and destabilize an entire region? Well, you may soon have your war, but don’t be surprised if many “patriots” like myself resist your ridiculous actions.


Jerome Haig

Los Angeles


After weeks of trying to create enthusiasm for an unwanted war, last week the Bush administration suddenly said: “No, we didn’t say that; it was all the media’s doing.” Then, as quickly, it has reversed itself again with its so-called “legal experts” and Cheney now not only demanding war but saying they don’t even have to get Congress’ permission.

We true patriots would gladly sacrifice our lives for our nation, its precious freedoms and its Constitution. But “one nation under God” is far different from one nation under the thumb of a power-hungry warmonger--whether he is part of an “axis of evil” or our own president.

Bonnie Compton Hanson

Santa Ana


I liked it better when we carried out missions to overthrow the leaders of sovereign nations covertly. At least then it seemed we had moral sense enough to be ashamed of our colonialist attitudes.


Matt Holzman

Los Angeles


In the face of President Bush’s incessant effort to whip us into a frenzy to make war with Iraq, the emerging chorus, both here and abroad, of more reasoned voices counseling restraint is most welcome. Bush needs to remember one of the well-proven maxims of leadership: Be careful that you do not get too far ahead of those you seek to lead; you may soon find yourself very much alone.

C.T. Garey

Santa Barbara
