
Clinton Supports Powell on Approach to Mideast

From Associated Press

Former President Clinton urged support for Secretary of State Colin L. Powell’s peacekeeping efforts in the Middle East during an appearance Saturday night.

“I think some of the negative publicity about Colin Powell’s trip has been wrong,” Clinton told reporters at a fund-raiser for Latino college students.

“No matter how long they fight or how many people die, in the end if there’s going to be peace there has to be security and normal relations with neighbors,” Clinton said. “There has to be justice and economic opportunities for the Palestinians.”


Powell’s recent trip to the Mideast did little to stop the violence. The State Department has announced that Powell will hold talks next week, perhaps in Washington, with U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Russian Foreign Minister Igor S. Ivanov and top officials of the European Union.

President Bush recently criticized Clinton, saying his failed 2000 Mideast summit resulted in a “significant intifada.”
