
Parks: From Police Chief to Politician

Re “Parks Hangs Up His Badge,” April 23: Now that outgoing Police Chief Bernard Parks has decided against suing the city, he seems poised to seek temporary refuge on the L.A. City Council, where he can rail against Mayor James Hahn and lay the groundwork for a mayoral run in a post-Valley-secession Los Angeles. With blacks having a far greater voting bloc in a reconfigured L.A., it seems Parks is far from retiring from public life.

The true irony will be chief executive Parks explaining to the press why he, as a new mayor, should have the right to choose who will be the city’s chief law enforcement leader.

Nick Antonicello



When he announced that he is resigning as LAPD chief and may run for City Council, Parks was not really, as reported, “hanging up his badge.” Instead, he is definitely continuing his stubborn battle against reform and furthering his image as an egocentric political cynic.


Chuck Levin

Los Angeles


Retiring Chief Parks is decidedly a class act. The powers that be may name a successor, but to locate a “replacement” will be a herculean task. Many times we do not truly appreciate what we have until we lose it.

Nan J. Hauser

Lake Forest
