
An ‘Old Lady’ Is Tired of Airport Searches

Re “One More Step for Safe Skies,” editorial, April 24: A “trusted fliers” program can’t come soon enough. For some unfathomable reason, I have been matched “to a profile of suspicious activity.” When I check in, inaudible bells begin to ring and I am singled out. My suitcases are searched top to bottom. “We need to get to the suitcase lining to look for concealed weapons,” said the officer unpacking my things.

I am stopped again at the boarding ramp for further wanding and shoe removal. All this when I am the least-possible example of a terrorist. I am a Caucasian 73-year-old grandmother, with six children who are all good citizens of California. I have seven grandchildren, went to Hollywood High and have lived in Southern California all my life.

I had never flown until two years ago, when I met a retired military officer who lives in Florida. Now we fly back and forth. Once I wanted to bring a suitcase full of Christmas decorations, but the thought of someone inspecting all that stuff was just too much.


There must be a better way for the airlines to distinguish the bad guys from us old ladies.

Jane DiMuro

West Hills
