
Clinton Makes Room for a New Buddy

From Times Wire Reports

Former President Clinton, who said the death of his dog Buddy was the worst thing to happen to him after leaving the White House, is getting a new puppy that will have a lot of Buddy in him.

The dog, another chocolate Labrador retriever, was sired by Buddy’s nephew.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. May 2, 2002 FOR THE RECORD
Los Angeles Times Thursday May 2, 2002 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 A2 Desk 1 inches; 28 words Type of Material: Correction
Bill Clinton: A brief in Sunday’s editions incorrectly stated that Chappaqua, N.Y.--where former President Clinton now lives--is in upstate New York. Chappaqua is a northern suburb of New York City.

Clinton and his family are “very excited about the new puppy,” which will be brought to the former president’s Chappaqua home in upstate New York in a month or so, his spokeswoman Julia Payne said.

She declined to give the dog’s name.

Buddy was hit and killed by a car in Chappaqua in January. He was 4.
