
Green Party Alternative in the Governor’s Race

We have just been through one of the dirtiest primary campaigns in history, and just a little over 30% of our voters took the time to cast their votes. Millions of dollars were spent on smear tactics. A lot of this money could have been used to build schools and develop education programs to help our unemployed find jobs that pay a living wage. It could have been used to provide decent health care for our people. However, the Nov. 4 election will provide the people of California an opportunity to reject the big-money candidates and vote for candidates interested in making life better for the people rather than focusing on raising money for future campaigns and themselves.

Peter Miguel Camejo and Donna Warren head up the Green Party’s ticket in this upcoming election and will focus on bringing health care to all Californians, supporting a living wage, protecting labor’s rights and spearheading an education system designed to enable our people to lead independent and rewarding lives.

Chuck Reutter

Sun City, Calif.
