
Sex Offenders Are No Victims of System

Re “‘Lock ‘Em Up’ Isn’t Enough,” commentary, April 1:

Jay Adams is correct that locking up sex offenders will not resolve the problem, but I must take issue with his stand that these people are victims of the criminal justice system’s inadequate funding.

Adams says “they are required to register as sex offenders [but] receive little help because parole resources are overwhelmed.” Parole and probation officers monitor their clients’ performance as productive citizens, but they don’t provide monetary help for mental-health care.

Society expects me to pay my own way when I am gainfully employed and have no criminal history. Similarly, sex offenders who’ve paid their debt to society should also be expected to foot their bills. That most of them will have less-than-stellar jobs is not a concern for the justice system.


The fact of the matter is that no additional burden should be placed on the parole system when it comes to administering health-care costs. These people should be held accountable for their actions.

Walter N. Clark

Trabuco Canyon
